

Some words can be used in almost any context. So, considering our mission to deliver you total randomness, lets see what can I whip up from word hunger. Strangely the first thing to pop up in my mind is pac-man and his hunger for little grayish white dots. Here take some time off and satisfy your hunger. Btw due to this doodle world economy lost $120 million. Or at least so states the Telegraph. If you are not a fan or just are plain borred with the old pac-man concept check this out. Interesting twist.

Of course hunger is not only about eating some dots. Actually it is a pressing problem in our todays overpopulated world. Everyone knows about it but somehow we kinda ignore it. And so, to wake yourself from this comfortable life induced coma you should dedicate an hour of your precious time to read about poverty and hunger. And here is as good place to start as any. If you google  hunger and go to images section this (obviously related) picture is in the first spot. While not as cruel as many others out there it still makes you pause and think. And if it doesn't, well I have some news for you... Next time you go to the toilet, dig in after doing your business, you might find a piece of your broken humanity.

Having talked about entertaining and serious things it is time to mention something motivational. The video below is where my post started. Give it your undivided attention.

Having watch it you might want to see the connection between my post and this talk. Well what can I say, human mind is wandering around in strange ways.

As Steve Jobs has mentioned, Stewart Brand wrote in the The Whole Earth Catalog: "Stay hungry. Stay foolish". And you should. Hunger is one of the fuels of progress. Hunger for something new, something undiscovered, hunger for wealth, for fame or power...

Hunger is universal and there is no escaping. Just don't fall asleep and don't ignore your inner hunger.

P.S. In order not to end my post such kinda awkward note, I am going to add a few more sentences that should put everything back in its normal places. Here it is:

Still hungry for m0ar? Well I think I have a perfect solution. And don't just stop at that one there are tons for you to enjoy.


sharing a link that Postall posted in coments:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Captain double eagle eye,

    I am eager to reply that your post has indeed made me hungry for m0ar. So i got up, and ate. And i was sooooo happy that i could unlike those poor Africa kids.

    Here is a video illustrating my happiness of eating.
