
The Game

Since today is an official day off (at least here in Lithuania) I would like to make a quick post about entertainment. Games are a perfect form of entertainment and internet has plenty of them. With massive array of websites like miniclip.com and newgrounds.com it is very easy to find something to get you bussy. But these days the games are usually rather borring and are in lack of interesting conception. Here I will post some links to some games, that I've found more subtle.

1. Fishing girl 
Totally pointless game with nice graphics. Relaxing and rather not traditional.

Interesting game which puts you in the place of an alien with a mision to protect a pack of humans durring some kind of war.

Longing for some truly old-school gaming experience? Look no more. This games has it all: pixelated graphics, text adventure stile and whose knows what else (I haven't really played it through)... 

Like grenades? Hate terrorists? Go ahead there is plenty of them for you to kill. And just to make it more interesting you will probably have to think a bit.
Interesting music, physics, alienish  graphics.. Just try it. 

Rather simple but addicting game... (I will keep it a bit mysterious) 

Have you ever felt sorry for the statues for the amount of bird droppings they have to endure? Well here is your chance to put yourself in statues place, take a rifle and blast those damn birds.

Definitely the best game in this little list and probably one of the best in the internet. There is no excuse for not playing it.

With today being the day off I will keep my post short and end it here. Peace.

P.S. You just lost it


  1. First thing that occurred to me when I saw your post that it was going to be about this guy:
    Thanks, Cap' :)
    Also, I have some remarks about those Japanese or Korean or who cares - IF YOU CAN'T TALK PROPERLY, SHUT THE FUCK UP! IT'S LAUGH AND LOSE, YOU NARROW-EYED MORONS!

  2. Geruliai, tas Gen ypač catchy toks, o šiaip visus pražaidžiau bent po kažkiek, tai atėmė 1 val mano gyvenimo : D

  3. I deem this post to be homosexual approved.
