

Fidledeedee-fidledeeda, it's time to crank the dosage of randomness up. I asked my self as I was typing the nonsense you see before you: "What is an essential part of a malnutritious breakfast of internetz randomess?" ...BROWSER GAMES! Oh wait, we already did that... darn you CaptainEE! Well let's think... in the real world, people read books for enlightenment and and enjoyment. Enter it's chaotic internetz counterpart - the web-comic.
Web-comics and the internetz have been a nonsense combo since the 1980's when stick figures were the rage. At least that what first comes to mind. Actually the first web-comics kind of looked like this. Ahh, you can practically smell the Microsoft paint. Good times, good times...
Nowadays practically every artist on the internetz has his own web-comic of questionable quality so it's really hard to find the good ones. Actually, very few web-comic artists can actually live off their work. Thank you for your generous donations people. Of course banner advertising has something to do with it too.
Hell, web-comics have become so popular that even regular people with no storytelling or artistic talent can easily have one. How you ask? Because of sites like this strip generator. Why should all these no-talented people be allowed to have a web-comic you ask? Boy, you sure do ask a lot of questions... The answer is simple - because they contribute to original content or OC and make the internetz one random web-comic strip richer. And that my friends is what keeps the pedobears and cancers at bay.
Now for those readers that have the opinion that a web-comic can't be more than childish jibber-jabber about things no one cares about or simply just can't be artistic or, god forbid, can't be art... well... no cookie for you. Web-comics by definition have a certain stigma associated with them that they inherited from well... regular comics. And the 'web' part just makes it worse. Face it, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear 'comic' is 'superhero' or 'I like turtles" depending on your type of crazy. I'm happy to say that not all web-comics suck, and most web-comics strive to be funny, not artsy or preachy. And I hope it stays that way. I find it very odd that every medium of creativity which does not proclaim itself to be art is generally not recognized as such. It's like the majority of people can't think for themselves. Weird, huh?

This idea by itself is very interesting and you can expect to hear m0ar of it in other posts. But for now, here are the web-comics that I most enjoy, and I hope you will too.

The Order of The Stick is a web-comic for those people who have had the pleasure of spending countless hours tripping in the fantasy worlds of D&D (that's Dungeons and Dragons for you regular people). The world of OOTS operates by D&D rules and makes regular references to RPG cliches. The characters or PC's are basically D&D archetypes and they often acknowledge the absurdity of their existence. The comic starts out very generic - a bunch of adventurers go kill some evil lich bent on world domination... and find treasure! However past that the comic begins to truly unfold with a complicated story arc that rivals any piece of fiction out there. The graphics maybe a little on the simple side, but don't be fooled, stick figures kick ass. You would be surprised just how well you could make a stick figure face show emotion just by drawing a few lines in the right places.

Ok, another fantasy related comic. Looking For Group started as a World of Warcraft spin off and at first it seemed to have little potential beyond witty fantasy references. But it quickly took grew and matured into a story of innocence, betrayal and conflict. Knowledge of gaming preferable, but it's not required to enjoy the humor that this comic brings. Most of it comes from one character - the warlock Richard. He is easily describable as one of the m0st memorable characters to appear in a web-comic to date. In fact he has become his own meme, and his personality will become the stereotype for warlocks everywhere for years to come. P.S check the animation section of the site.

Gunnerkrigg Court. Ah, where to begin? This might be the hardest comic to describe. Even after reading it, I simply can't allow myself to generalize or spoil too much. I can only say that one of the main recurring themes in this web-comic is nature/magic VS technology. However it is presented in such a charming and mysterious way that it is impossible not to fall in love with the story. The characters are amazing and unique and have incredible depth which is rare for a web-comic. And last but definitively not least, I would like to give the art style a mention of worthiness. I find it delightful that as you read on you get to see the artists style evolve and gain complexity. Compare the first page to the last page and you will see what I mean. Definitely worth reading.

Time for a break from fantasy comics. xkcd is a web-comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. At least that's what it says on the site. I'll give it credit for being totally random at least. But that's not all. xkcd is one of those rare comics that are actually quite profitable. Just check out their store. Also worth mentioning is that the comic was recognized by mainstream media such as The Guardian or the NYT. Not uncommon for xkcd strips to turn into memes which travel around the internetz in various incarnations. One of the most popular web-comics ever. Be part of the group! You know you want to. For further info, check out the website or wiki.

C&H or Cyanide and Happiness is a comic. That pretty much sums it up. It has no plot. It has no regular characters. It has stick figures. And it's pure awesome. 70% humor, 30% irony, an extra 50% of randomness and on top of that, they have Doctor Baby. If you read 5 strips without laughing, congratulations - you're dead inside.

Penny Arcade. You should know this. The web-comic has been running for 11,5 years at least. Has become a pop culture icon of its own. Need i say m0ar? Be warned - comic for computer game & fantasy geeks.

There is a saying around teh internetz. Teh internetz is f0ar pr0n. That is also true for web-comics. Relax, i won't post actual pr0n, however here is a humorous comic with a pg-16 rating that seems to be growing in popularity quite rapidly. Presenting - Menage a 3 Maybe it's the nudity? If you liked this, check out it's counterpart - Eerie Cuties. A slightly more parent friendly comic.

A comic for cat lovers - Two Lumps. A must for cat owners or animal lovers (don't take it the wrong way)

I have saved the best for last. DUN DUN! The Phoenix Requiem (awesome name) by award winning web-comic superstar Sarah Ellerton is another story all together. It is one of those shining examples among web-comics that has earned the right to be called a graphic novel. And ultimately that's what it feels like. The story is very slow to unfold. It takes it's time, letting you know the characters & the world they live in first. And that is it's biggest drawback. Most people when looking for web-comics don't want a serious read, so it isn't that big on popularity. But what it lacks in views, it makes up for in critical acclaim. One of it's highpoints is the art design. FANTASTIC. Some strips actually made me stop reading and admire the scenery or wardrobe or whatever happened to be on screen at the time. Definitely not for everybody, but those who will appreciate it will be in for quite a ride. P.S another web-comic illustrated by Sarah Ellerton - Dreamless. Also amazing.

-Postall out

EDIT: Forgot to mention one other web-comic. The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom). In a sentance, it's a comic about worshippers getting eaten buy interdimensional gods with a sense of humor. Has some mathematics and physics hum0r too. A must for H.P. Lovecraft fanatics.


The Game

Since today is an official day off (at least here in Lithuania) I would like to make a quick post about entertainment. Games are a perfect form of entertainment and internet has plenty of them. With massive array of websites like miniclip.com and newgrounds.com it is very easy to find something to get you bussy. But these days the games are usually rather borring and are in lack of interesting conception. Here I will post some links to some games, that I've found more subtle.

1. Fishing girl 
Totally pointless game with nice graphics. Relaxing and rather not traditional.

Interesting game which puts you in the place of an alien with a mision to protect a pack of humans durring some kind of war.

Longing for some truly old-school gaming experience? Look no more. This games has it all: pixelated graphics, text adventure stile and whose knows what else (I haven't really played it through)... 

Like grenades? Hate terrorists? Go ahead there is plenty of them for you to kill. And just to make it more interesting you will probably have to think a bit.
Interesting music, physics, alienish  graphics.. Just try it. 

Rather simple but addicting game... (I will keep it a bit mysterious) 

Have you ever felt sorry for the statues for the amount of bird droppings they have to endure? Well here is your chance to put yourself in statues place, take a rifle and blast those damn birds.

Definitely the best game in this little list and probably one of the best in the internet. There is no excuse for not playing it.

With today being the day off I will keep my post short and end it here. Peace.

P.S. You just lost it



Some words can be used in almost any context. So, considering our mission to deliver you total randomness, lets see what can I whip up from word hunger. Strangely the first thing to pop up in my mind is pac-man and his hunger for little grayish white dots. Here take some time off and satisfy your hunger. Btw due to this doodle world economy lost $120 million. Or at least so states the Telegraph. If you are not a fan or just are plain borred with the old pac-man concept check this out. Interesting twist.

Of course hunger is not only about eating some dots. Actually it is a pressing problem in our todays overpopulated world. Everyone knows about it but somehow we kinda ignore it. And so, to wake yourself from this comfortable life induced coma you should dedicate an hour of your precious time to read about poverty and hunger. And here is as good place to start as any. If you google  hunger and go to images section this (obviously related) picture is in the first spot. While not as cruel as many others out there it still makes you pause and think. And if it doesn't, well I have some news for you... Next time you go to the toilet, dig in after doing your business, you might find a piece of your broken humanity.

Having talked about entertaining and serious things it is time to mention something motivational. The video below is where my post started. Give it your undivided attention.

Having watch it you might want to see the connection between my post and this talk. Well what can I say, human mind is wandering around in strange ways.

As Steve Jobs has mentioned, Stewart Brand wrote in the The Whole Earth Catalog: "Stay hungry. Stay foolish". And you should. Hunger is one of the fuels of progress. Hunger for something new, something undiscovered, hunger for wealth, for fame or power...

Hunger is universal and there is no escaping. Just don't fall asleep and don't ignore your inner hunger.

P.S. In order not to end my post such kinda awkward note, I am going to add a few more sentences that should put everything back in its normal places. Here it is:

Still hungry for m0ar? Well I think I have a perfect solution. And don't just stop at that one there are tons for you to enjoy.


sharing a link that Postall posted in coments:

The fascists of the internet

Greetings my fellow surveyors of deep blue sea of randomness. I had been thinking long and hard about what to post to satisfy your craving for the uncommonly macabre, only to find that the answer has been in front of our monitors all along. You may have noticed that recently our little mischievous bungalow has been inhabited by this little annoyance/house pet - the grammar Nazi or in proper taxonomical terms inflatus sentence emendator .

Contrary to popular belief, there is very little useful data on these elusive guardians of linguistic perception. I use the term because if you write "grammar Nazi" in Wikipedia search, it redirects you to linguistic perception. It seems the folks at good old wiki have a few secrets to hide. Not to worry! Their counterparts at encyclopedia drammatica & uncyclopedia have different ways of doing things and have been of some use regarding the issue. Ok, lol, in a purely messed up way. What did you expect? Welcome to the internetz! Ok, in all seriousness i will deliver something useful.

XX#X##X#XX** *****XXXXX########################*
X#######XXX** ***XXXX##################*
*########XXX* ****XX################
X####X##XXX* **XX#############X
X####XXXX** **X###########X
X###XXXX* *X######X#X#*
X######X* *******X#
*######X* **X#
*X##X#X* ****************XX
X##XX* ***********XXXXXXXXXXXXXX****X
*XX* ******XXXX#########X****X#####XXXX####XXXX***
**** **X***X#X*XXX#######X* X###XXX***XXXXXXX******
***X#XX** ****XXXXX* *XXXXXX*****X**XX****XX
XX** *X* ***XX**X** ***XXX*XXX**********X*
*XXX** ********** **************** ****
*XX* ** ********* ********************
*****X* ** ***** *********
** *X* **** *********
* * ******************
* * **X* *******XXXXXXXX***********
* ****X***X############X*************
* ****** X##############X************
*** X##############X***********
-Grammar Nazi on himself **XXX##XXX####XXXXXX********
Jew is the only race which has *XX**** **XXXXXXXXX**********
"Eww" in it. ***** * ****XXXXXXXXXXXXXX*******
-Grammar Nazi on the *************XX**XX***********XXXX#*

phonetic atrocity of Jews. ******* ****XXXXX##X*
******** *****XXXXX#####XXX*
***XX***** ******XXXXXX#########XXX*
* ***XXXXXX#X###########################XXXXXXX
* ***XXXX###############################XXXXXXX
* **XXX##################################XXXXX

Our good friends at knowyourmeme.com (just don't tell them that I said that) have once again risen up to c hallenge and have scoured the internet for pieces of information about the Nazi of the grammar so you don't have to.

What's fascinating about the grammar Nazis is that seem to have sprung up relatively quickly yet in a short time their numbers have increased exponentially. Some circles of the internetz a.k.a 4chan believe that they have been hiding all this time and waiting for the perfect moment to reveal themselves after the collapse of Nazi Germany. Who knows, maybe they have been around even before then. Alas we will never know...

Of course if any questions remain (there better not be...) you can always consult our local grammar correcting fellow who has adorned himself with a lol swastika. Fitting don't you think? Be sure to study his behavior. That way you will learn how to spot one and will be fully ready to square off in cyberspace when the time comes.

Another internetz mystery resolved by the bungalow!

P.S If you haven't already highlight the BIG hyperlink. You will shit bricks when you see it.

-Postall out.


DIY continued

OK, happy campers it appears the bungalow has crashed (yes, we can fly) in DIYville to stock on UWTB (Vonnegut reference) and CaptainEE has become obsessed with kung-fu belt wearing bears bent on world domination and DIY home improvement (don't worry, the bungalow is insured against all household disasters). Fun isn't it? Just the thing to brighten an otherwise randomless day. So here's some m0ar from DIYtown.

We all know that DIY is a very reputable, time honored tradition. However as it is with all great pastimes DIY has it's fails and blunders. Here is a site dedicated to the untold ingenuity of home users who are dedicated to proving that they could easily get a master's degree in engineering with their hands tied behind their backs.

Ever had that problem where a guy comes up to you, points a gun in your face and says: "Tell me how to make organic face cream in 5 minutes or less or I'll blow your head off!" We all have. And with this cool site you will be able to show off your massive DIY knowhow to these nasty gun barrel pointing badies.

Are you feeling creative? Would you like to start a project that’s a little different? Do LED-lit sea urchins or atomic cookies sound interesting? HELL YEAH! EvilMadScientist.com is a website that posts instructions for unusual crafts and projects that you can try at home. Courtesy of wastemoretimeonline.com

This one is actually very educational. I can already hear the sciencefags w00ting away... If you are curious about how things tick, then this site is definitely for you. Take heed though, this link will take you away from all the randomness the internetz has to offer.

These three sites are so full of DIY material that your head begins to hurt just by entering them. You can find guides and instructions for almost every single one of life's problems like how to make cupcakes that look like real food, how to make prom outfits out of duck tape, and how to build that Tesla coil that dad always wanted for labor day.

I saved the best for last.... but wait a second, do you hear that? I think that BIO fever, which Capn.EE mentioned earlier, is catching up to me at last. Gotta go before the brain melts. Besides, wouldn't want to overload your senses with too much now, would we?

Tune in later, you never know what's next.

P.S Here's some m0ar subliminal messag... I mean hilarious random footage!



So today there are two words in my mind: biology and DIY (not really a word itself). They might seem totally unrelated and thats how it is. At least here and now. Following the order I have mentioned them in, lets plunder biology topic for a while. We have promised you, our dear readers, the randomness of the internet. And since the internet is only a mere mirror of the world (strange kind of mirror, usually showing only exceptional things) it is perfect for finding something that might get you thinking. Right now I am thinking about bears and their secret plot to overthrow humanity. Just take a look.

Holy shit, seems that we, humans, are haven't been the only ones evolving lately. Yes mother nature can surprise you. And  it does. Constantly (at least me). So there something to think about concerning biology and evolution... and bears.

Moving on. DIY. Rimes with why?. Perfect question kids. Here are some cookies (we have some left from Postall's post). And hey you back there, don't worry if there's none left for you. You can always CIY (cook it yourself). Btw cooking is apparently the answer to all of our problems (click me).  And since today is all about web clips.

Yes, I know, the selection of the clips is random and they might not be mind blowing. But that's just something to get you started on the good old "OMG OMG OMG DIY OMG" thoughts. Go ahead google something up and do it. And since that's what you are occupied with right now I will leave you to it.


Night time entertainment

So yesterday and sort of today there was a huge (at least it was supposed to be huge and spectacular) and promising event in Vilnius. Night of the culture. Fancy name. But what is culture? Isn't it happening like... everyday and everywhere? Ok never mind, that let's start from the beginning. A serious rain event was clouding not only the skys but also the mood most of the day. Luckily (or not) it was over just when the event began. The program stated that there were 83 separate events. Holy shit I thought before setting out. An hour and a half into the night I was beginning to wonder where the hell was everything happening. 83 was no longer the number in my mind it somehow merged into 18 (and I am generous here). So the hide and seek game went on for the rest of the night and I wasn't winning. After hours of mediocre wandering around I began to search for the explanation of such vagueness. It can be basically boiled down to two things. 1. Quantity diminishes quality (Andy Warhole all over again) 2. Lack of concept turns into a mess (and not the good kind one). Having said some critical thoughts it would be only fair to admit that there were good things. After thinking it through I found that the positive experience came not from the event but rather from the people I spent it with. But isn't that usually the case? Naturally I made some photos. Just as they are blurry and confusing so are the experiences of this so called night of the culture. One final thought: if you want entertainment you usually have to entertain yourself. I rest my case but stay open for discutions.

Welcome to the internet

Good day internetz,

I‘m fine, how are you? Headache? Too much information? Oh well... here‘s a cookie, maybe that will make you feel better.

Indeed the internetz is growing at an exponential rate, and as a result the unimaginable has happened – THERE IS TOO MUCH COOL STUFF! That‘s where we come in. With the bungalow as our plane and the mouse as our pilot, we will travel the internetz seeking to share as many crispy & juicy chicken nuggets of info as we can. Doesn’t make sense you say? Get used to it. ‘Cause nonsense is something we have buckets of.

Here at the bungalow we follow one of the great unwritten rules of the internetz - „Sharing is caring“. We care very deeply about you... NOT. But you are welcome to hang out of the window of our bungalow as a first class passenger. With Captain “double E” at the wheel, you are guaranteed a smooth ride. Did you know he got his pilot’s license by triforcing alone? 100% score too. We couldn’t be more prow’d.

If you are new to the internetz (It’s ok, your secret is safe with us) don’t worry, we will also be posting the essentials to get you started. For now, this will do: http://www.internetfirstpage.com/. I hope that will be enough to wet your whistle of curiosity. And remember, lolcats don’t get killed by curiosity.

Introductions aside, it’s time for Postall to deliver.

Some of you Lithuaniafags (you know who you are) might have heard a little about “Let there be night” in Vilnius. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then go to YouTube or Google or wiki (we are assuming you know what these are). If you do know, well good for you, and if you’ve actually BEEN there well you deserve a cookie too. Now the media might have advertised this as an event of great cultural significance and such, but we at the bungalow know better. “Let there be night” or “Tebūnie naktis” (that‘s how the cool people say it) is actually a time of great randomness and chaos which brings our great city to life. Just goes to show, you CAN find treasures of scrumptious „WTF“ moments right in your own backyard. Just don‘t overdo it.

Now for those who still don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ll spare all of the little details about why “Let there be night” was a night to remember. What I am going to do is illustrate it by letting you see for yourself some snapshots of WTF moments from last night's adventures.

An installation of animated light

Meat market commercial or household fail ?

You should always show your appreciation

A shrine to technology

Portable kitchen

I hope that some of you will be able to recognize the places where these photos were taken. Anyway i believe that's enough for one day. Wouldn't want to overload your senses now, would we? Stay tuned for m0ar random goodness.



First post from me - CaptainEE

Casual  hello to everybody. This is me zoid.. (i mean CaptainEE). Act naturally. No big fuss here just another of  those blog things is being released into internet freedom and infinity. How is it different? Sad stuff - it isn't. Why should you read it every day? Because we (Postall and CaptainEE) are doing all the dirty work of digging through the dirty depths of internet for you and here we are presenting only the tastiest of creepy-crawlies for your gourmet paws and beaks to devour.  Not up for that? No problem we don't care nor for you nor about you. Go on cry about it on your Facebook status I know you want to. Moving on. No big introduction speech, no oversized scissors cutting the hilarious pink ribbon, no grand opening here (also no ginormous oil spills) just another day at brewing delicious randomness stew. Peace.

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