

Hello internet scavengers.

Once again we meet in this little blog of a bungalow of ours to discuss yet another random topic. But first of all - an official welcome back to Cap'n EE. For those who do not know, he was on an excursion deep into French controlled territory. Formalities aside, you might have been pondering about this "TM" I'm supposed to be writing about today. For the heck of it let's write TM into the search box of Wikipedia. Worth mentioning are these hits:

Trademark ()
Texas Mexican Railway... wtf?
Turing Machine
Torpedoman's Mate (a former rank of the U.S. Navy) that sounds just a bit jee-ey-why.
Tim Minchin
Transcendental Meditation
Transverse myelitis

For those of you who guessed Tim Minchin - Congratz. I would have also accepted Thulium. For those of you who were hoping to hear m0ar about the Torpedoman's Mate - GTFO of my bungalow. Anyway, TM is an artist. A musical comedian to be precise. Now I get that those of you have never seen good stand up musical comedy are going "pffffff..." right now, but bear with me on this one.
Ok, some general info on the guy, courtesy of wiki:

"Timothy David Minchin (born 7 October 1975 in Northampton, UK) is an Australian comedian, actor, musician, and skeptic. He is best known for his musical comedy, which has featured in three CDs, three DVDs and a number of live comedy shows which he has performed internationally.
Minchin describes his act as a "funny cabaret show" and sees himself primarily as a musician and songwriter as opposed to a comedian; his songs, he says, "just happen to be funny." His reasoning for combining the disciplines of music and comedy was revealed in one interview when he said "I'm a good musician for a comedian and I'm a good comedian for a musician but if I had to do any of them in isolation I dunno.""

Tim always appears on stage with really messed up hair and eye liner‘ed eyes. According to one interview it‘s because that when he‘s playing it allows him to convey more emotion in his facial expressions. These features are often contrasted by his sharp outfit, which highlights his dualistic nature. Oh and he sometimes goes on stage barefoot. Just for the heck of it... Well you have to hand it to the guy, he knows how to make a look for himself.

Notable works on youtube:


This is the first video of Tim that I watched and I still consider it one of the best. It portrays every aspect of his artistic skill both as a musician and a comedian.


Tim‘s attempt at a pop hit, of course he doesn‘t succeed there. What we have here is a catchy song with a simple message and a bit of a stab at modern music production J


A sample of Tim‘s potery. Heavy on the sarcasm but with a beautiful message.


Peace anthem for Palestine. In Tim‘s words, they just needed a good song. This is what happens when the guy gets political.

If you liked these then by all means check out s'm0ar, have a good laugh. One youtube comment said: „Thumbs up for Tim Minchin – prezident of the world“. You have my thumbs good sir.




  1. Hey you, guide of the internetz,
    you are writing about TM and you don't even bother to find the correct quote. That youtube comment was "Tim minchin should be presedent of the world.", not your lousy crap. Talk about proper trademark...

    P.S. Thanks for this post, Tim is really cool :)
    Also, I would like to remind you of a nice word which, I believe, would suit your post - jiffy.

  2. OH, and you forgot
