
Criminals and crimefighters

Hey y'all. Summer has past us by in the bungalow rather unexpectedly, and for that occasion I feel that a post has to be posted.
While poking my brains about what quizzical piece of info
to share with you this time, I came across (no pun intended) an article on Gawker on how the members of an Internet image board called 4chan managed to track down a person who threw her neighbour's cat into her trash can. For those of you who lack savvy, 4chan is a notorious community of people who exchange pictures and comments in an anonymous fashion. As we all know anonymity is a breeding ground for trolls. And 4chan is probably the biggest of them all. So in a nutshell this Internet hive mind managed to track her down and bring her to justice (sort of, she apologized publicly at least).

"They found Bale's employer (The Bank of Coventry), the number of her
boss, her address and Facebook profile. As with Jessi Slaughter, they sent death threats and other anonymous mischief her way and Bale was eventually forced into hiding."

Of course animal lovers are now shouting "Serves her right!" however it's not so simple. 4chan onslaught of Internet terrorism against this person and may have left a permanent mark on her psyche. Of course some of you still are thinking "Serves her even righter! She threw a cat in the trash FFS!". Well to be fair you do have a slight point. In the end cruelty gets repaid with cruelty. But to what end? And what happens if you get caught at the end of the flaming stick just because someone can do it?

One might think that 4chan is the Internet animal cruelty police and t
hey certainly have a reputation to stake their claim towards the title. The random image board of 4chan /b/ has quite a lot of cutesy animal pics floating around (apart from other way more nastier things), and has busted numerous animal abusers. Famous examples include a morbidly obese women who chocked a cat using her 'bulk' and a woman who drowned several puppies in a river. Interesting fact about the latter: According to Gawker, the director Michael Bay "is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of the woman in the red sweatshirt and the person who shot this act of cruelty" . The blog post has now been deleted, but rest assured this is no hoax. According to recent updates the woman has apologized via YouTube, although her face did not seem to reflect guilt.

However do not think that 4chan is a force for good. Their exploits are both numerous and disturbing at the same time. While they have brought animal mistreating miscreants in the past, their other 'achievements' aren't so noble. One example is flooding YouTube with pr0n. This attack had been in planning for quite some time now and known to those people that browse 4chan and it's surprising how companies like Google who gather massive amounts of data could have overlooked such an outspoken attack. At the very least the info could have been leaked back to YouTube. Another well known exploit is "Project Chanology" which I probably can't cover better than the folks at KnowYourMeme. And last but not least, worth mentioning are the "Send Justin Bieber to North Korea" and "The Jessica Slaughter scandal" incidents. Won't go into any detail on these. You know how to use Google and if not, go bug CaptainEE about it.

Other 4chan trolling

The point here is that the Internet is rapidly becoming a place where anonymity exists only when no one cares enough to dig up the info on you. 4chan has proved that time and time again.The troll virus is spreading rapidly from 4chan to other sites like Tumblr, ED and Chatroulette. Is the Internet becoming a place where it's no longer safe to be? Very likely, as our lives seem to always be one foot in the virtual world. Facebook & Twitter accounts seem to able too easy to trace and hold too much easily accessible information about the user. Of course if the community would be aware of the dangers that lurk around the dark corners of the WWW maybe they would watch their backs and profiles a bit more. Or perhaps we are simply witnessing Internet evolution. Adapt or get trolled trying.

On a final note I would like to comment about the targeting method of the anonymous hive mind of the Internet. They are at the most basic level outlashes against society. Since Anon is composed mainly of people who are social rejects, they see this as a way of payback. 4chan is prevalent in gore and sex because these things, like it or not, manage to evoke some reaction or emotion in otherwise people who think they can't feel anything and allow the people to revel in their misery. Yet an outburst like someone throwing a cat down a trash can gather such immense hate because they can connect to it. Beiber and other prominent social figures are constantly targeted because, Anon wants to make It's voice heard on the crap they hate about society. 4chan might be the asshole of the Internet, but It's we who tore the Net a new one.

P.S I wont post all of the source material because frankly, some of the footage would make robots crap oil. Google it if you want.

-Postall out


Googling like a boss

So there I was, sitting outside and enjoying the awkward  weather these days when it hit me. And so the new post idea was born. Since you are reading this blog you probably know that google offers not only search and advertising in it, but also a wide array of other products. Want to do a blog - blogger, got tired of Facebook, but still want to be social - Orkut, want to manage your documents online - google docs, want to create a site - google sites, want to easily create a 3D model of your future house - sketch up. And the list goes on. You might think that Google is like the boss of internet or even a very serious and mean overlord that tries to control the internet. And you would be partially right. With the right part being the overlord think. And the wrong one? Well one thing google is not is being serious. Geeks working at Google are usually incorporating a secret or two in their work, you just need to know where to look and you will find yourself a dose of laughter or awesomeness. So here we go (a list is not in any order):

1. Something spooky after 3 AM.

Every day at 3.14 AM PST certain iGoogle themes become.. well spooky. Selecting the “beach” theme will mean the Loch Ness Monster makes a mysterious appearance for one minute every day at that time. UFOs will hover over the skyline in “City Scape” and the Yokai, from Japanese folklore, show up in “Tea House”.

2. Calculating some extra fun

Searching for the number of horns on a unicorn makes the Calculator app spring into life with the answer “1,” which is the same number it returns if you ask Google what the loneliest number is. Searching for “once in a blue moon” brings up “1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz.” And, always a classic, searching for “the answer to life, the universe, and everything” will trigger the Calculator display “42,” which we all know is a reference to Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
3. Mighty Chuck Norris 

Just type in "find Chuck Norris" and hit I'm feeling lucky button

4. Everyone loves teddy bears and ninjas

Google programmers have messed around with code for both Picasa and Google Reader to yield some surprising results. Taking Picasa first, when in the desktop software, hitting control-shift-y will make a teddy bear appear. Hitting the same combo again will give the first teddy a new buddy, and so on. It’s since been revealed this was the childhood bear of photographer and photoblogger Noah Grey who worked with Google on the project. Reader, meanwhile, gets an even more comprehensive Easter egg. With a reference to the old Konami video game cheat code — that, depending on the game, would give you 30 lives or other bonuses — hitting up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, will make your RSS feed reader go into “ninja” mode.
6. Language of choice 
7. Flying like a F16
Buried in the free mapping program Google Earth is a nifty flight simulator that lets you either hop into the cockpit of an F16 fighter jet or a lightweight SR22 propeller-powered airplane. To access the flight simulator in Google Earth, open the program and press Ctrl-Alt-A on your keyboard (Command-Option-A on a Mac). 

8. Feeling goth?

Type Google Gothic and hit I'm feeling lucky.

There are numerous other hoaxes hidden in Google world. Just to give your search a start I will provide some links: 1, 2, 3 and pay attention to Google Aprils Fool day jokes, they are always awesome. And just for the final touch of awesomeness visit this site

P.S. if this picture means something to you, then you are a true google fan, just like me CaptainEE.



Hello internet scavengers.

Once again we meet in this little blog of a bungalow of ours to discuss yet another random topic. But first of all - an official welcome back to Cap'n EE. For those who do not know, he was on an excursion deep into French controlled territory. Formalities aside, you might have been pondering about this "TM" I'm supposed to be writing about today. For the heck of it let's write TM into the search box of Wikipedia. Worth mentioning are these hits:

Trademark ()
Texas Mexican Railway... wtf?
Turing Machine
Torpedoman's Mate (a former rank of the U.S. Navy) that sounds just a bit jee-ey-why.
Tim Minchin
Transcendental Meditation
Transverse myelitis

For those of you who guessed Tim Minchin - Congratz. I would have also accepted Thulium. For those of you who were hoping to hear m0ar about the Torpedoman's Mate - GTFO of my bungalow. Anyway, TM is an artist. A musical comedian to be precise. Now I get that those of you have never seen good stand up musical comedy are going "pffffff..." right now, but bear with me on this one.
Ok, some general info on the guy, courtesy of wiki:

"Timothy David Minchin (born 7 October 1975 in Northampton, UK) is an Australian comedian, actor, musician, and skeptic. He is best known for his musical comedy, which has featured in three CDs, three DVDs and a number of live comedy shows which he has performed internationally.
Minchin describes his act as a "funny cabaret show" and sees himself primarily as a musician and songwriter as opposed to a comedian; his songs, he says, "just happen to be funny." His reasoning for combining the disciplines of music and comedy was revealed in one interview when he said "I'm a good musician for a comedian and I'm a good comedian for a musician but if I had to do any of them in isolation I dunno.""

Tim always appears on stage with really messed up hair and eye liner‘ed eyes. According to one interview it‘s because that when he‘s playing it allows him to convey more emotion in his facial expressions. These features are often contrasted by his sharp outfit, which highlights his dualistic nature. Oh and he sometimes goes on stage barefoot. Just for the heck of it... Well you have to hand it to the guy, he knows how to make a look for himself.

Notable works on youtube:


This is the first video of Tim that I watched and I still consider it one of the best. It portrays every aspect of his artistic skill both as a musician and a comedian.


Tim‘s attempt at a pop hit, of course he doesn‘t succeed there. What we have here is a catchy song with a simple message and a bit of a stab at modern music production J


A sample of Tim‘s potery. Heavy on the sarcasm but with a beautiful message.


Peace anthem for Palestine. In Tim‘s words, they just needed a good song. This is what happens when the guy gets political.

If you liked these then by all means check out s'm0ar, have a good laugh. One youtube comment said: „Thumbs up for Tim Minchin – prezident of the world“. You have my thumbs good sir.




A bit about football, headlines and animals

So here I am. Back from my holiday, which when very fine if someone finds this information interesting. Moving on to the topic. Everyone knows what was hot the last month or so. FOOTBALL!! I hear you screaming. Correct, but not exactly. The vuvuzelas. That was in internet and frankly every other media, just round every corner. Creeping. Not surprisingly internet is rather full of random videos, pictures and what will you, concerning this.. well.. thing. Here are some.

Ok, back to football. Lots of interesting and funny little situations of randomness presented their self during this world wide event. Looking back we all (well at least those of us, who payed attention) remember in-game moments like dives and kicks in the head.

 But not everyone saw what was happening in the coach "shed". 

Again, the distinct sound follows us everywhere. And of course many of you have heard about the psychic octopus. Though not many know what happened to him...

Sad stuff.. And of course lets not forget that football was observed by journalists and thus some fine articles were wrote.

Moving on. Headlines.. Yeah, they can be somewhat random if you will.

Such times you might say. And I agree, just take a look what are people doing with animals and how are germans living. 

Looking back we always see interesting things. Past gives us a more subtle perspective that present does.And so, what can I say, the world has changed since last FIFA world cup (captain-rather-obvious here). Though not as much if you look deeper. After all (and I will end here on a semi serious note)



Bump for justice

Ok, 'bout time we started cleaning up this little bungalow of ours. The furniture is starting to collect dust. Thank CaptainEE for the wake up call & wish him luck in foreign lands. Meanwhile I have control all to my self. Excellent...
First of all, this is a bump post. A bump of what, you axe? Why a bump of randomness of course! With justice, too. Everything goes great with justice. Today I am going to share with you, the people, some of the places that we here at the bungalow have come to know and love and go to for our regular randomness fix. So let's begin our quasi-regular-nonspecific-update-bump.
Those of you who have been naughty, and by that I mean following us regularly, should be familiar with the word m0ar. For clarification check Santa's list at THE LINK. M0ar is a website that we have referred to countless times for when life reaches it's limit of ordinariness. And countless time it has saved us from the dreaded daily routine of things. So I would like to share some of the magic of m0ar.
☺ http://www.m0ar.org/3033
☻ http://www.m0ar.org/4707
♥ http://www.m0ar.org/2025 ♦ http://www.m0ar.org/4578
♣ http://www.m0ar.org/270 ♠ http://www.m0ar.org/1589
• http://www.m0ar.org/4236
◘ http://www.m0ar.org/2283
○ http://www.m0ar.org/3033
The information section of the site says that " www.m0ar.org is a flash site, with funny and random content. You may get crazy when you visit this site for a long time." At first I thought they were exaggerating, however having spent god knows how many minutes sifting though this garbage dump of flash executables in search of entertainment I realized that they were right. M0ar melts your brain and is to be taken in moderation.
When you have reached the point of crazy you can always try the progenitor of m0ar http://z0r.de/. It should have been obvious all along that only the demented Germans could come up with this idea.
♂ http://z0r.de/1314
♀ http://z0r.de/452
♪ http://z0r.de/1118

Just in case you were wondering the symbols are the first ones in ASCII.
I invite you to try some random jumping to these flash sites. I guarantee you that in the end you will have loled at least once. And remember. You laugh, you loose the game.

P.S. If you go to m0ar, check out the first flash that was posted. That should give you an idea of who keeps these sites alive. Pic related.P.P.S. NSFW! Encyclopedia Dramatica has an article on the origin of the word moar.

-Postall out


A short update

Hello to you all, internet people. You might have been wondering, what is going on and why are there no new post. Well, for my defense I can say that I, captainEE, am officially on holidays for the next few weeks. But hey, don't worry. I will be back, and in the mean time wait for more awesome posts from Postall.




Fidledeedee-fidledeeda, it's time to crank the dosage of randomness up. I asked my self as I was typing the nonsense you see before you: "What is an essential part of a malnutritious breakfast of internetz randomess?" ...BROWSER GAMES! Oh wait, we already did that... darn you CaptainEE! Well let's think... in the real world, people read books for enlightenment and and enjoyment. Enter it's chaotic internetz counterpart - the web-comic.
Web-comics and the internetz have been a nonsense combo since the 1980's when stick figures were the rage. At least that what first comes to mind. Actually the first web-comics kind of looked like this. Ahh, you can practically smell the Microsoft paint. Good times, good times...
Nowadays practically every artist on the internetz has his own web-comic of questionable quality so it's really hard to find the good ones. Actually, very few web-comic artists can actually live off their work. Thank you for your generous donations people. Of course banner advertising has something to do with it too.
Hell, web-comics have become so popular that even regular people with no storytelling or artistic talent can easily have one. How you ask? Because of sites like this strip generator. Why should all these no-talented people be allowed to have a web-comic you ask? Boy, you sure do ask a lot of questions... The answer is simple - because they contribute to original content or OC and make the internetz one random web-comic strip richer. And that my friends is what keeps the pedobears and cancers at bay.
Now for those readers that have the opinion that a web-comic can't be more than childish jibber-jabber about things no one cares about or simply just can't be artistic or, god forbid, can't be art... well... no cookie for you. Web-comics by definition have a certain stigma associated with them that they inherited from well... regular comics. And the 'web' part just makes it worse. Face it, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear 'comic' is 'superhero' or 'I like turtles" depending on your type of crazy. I'm happy to say that not all web-comics suck, and most web-comics strive to be funny, not artsy or preachy. And I hope it stays that way. I find it very odd that every medium of creativity which does not proclaim itself to be art is generally not recognized as such. It's like the majority of people can't think for themselves. Weird, huh?

This idea by itself is very interesting and you can expect to hear m0ar of it in other posts. But for now, here are the web-comics that I most enjoy, and I hope you will too.

The Order of The Stick is a web-comic for those people who have had the pleasure of spending countless hours tripping in the fantasy worlds of D&D (that's Dungeons and Dragons for you regular people). The world of OOTS operates by D&D rules and makes regular references to RPG cliches. The characters or PC's are basically D&D archetypes and they often acknowledge the absurdity of their existence. The comic starts out very generic - a bunch of adventurers go kill some evil lich bent on world domination... and find treasure! However past that the comic begins to truly unfold with a complicated story arc that rivals any piece of fiction out there. The graphics maybe a little on the simple side, but don't be fooled, stick figures kick ass. You would be surprised just how well you could make a stick figure face show emotion just by drawing a few lines in the right places.

Ok, another fantasy related comic. Looking For Group started as a World of Warcraft spin off and at first it seemed to have little potential beyond witty fantasy references. But it quickly took grew and matured into a story of innocence, betrayal and conflict. Knowledge of gaming preferable, but it's not required to enjoy the humor that this comic brings. Most of it comes from one character - the warlock Richard. He is easily describable as one of the m0st memorable characters to appear in a web-comic to date. In fact he has become his own meme, and his personality will become the stereotype for warlocks everywhere for years to come. P.S check the animation section of the site.

Gunnerkrigg Court. Ah, where to begin? This might be the hardest comic to describe. Even after reading it, I simply can't allow myself to generalize or spoil too much. I can only say that one of the main recurring themes in this web-comic is nature/magic VS technology. However it is presented in such a charming and mysterious way that it is impossible not to fall in love with the story. The characters are amazing and unique and have incredible depth which is rare for a web-comic. And last but definitively not least, I would like to give the art style a mention of worthiness. I find it delightful that as you read on you get to see the artists style evolve and gain complexity. Compare the first page to the last page and you will see what I mean. Definitely worth reading.

Time for a break from fantasy comics. xkcd is a web-comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. At least that's what it says on the site. I'll give it credit for being totally random at least. But that's not all. xkcd is one of those rare comics that are actually quite profitable. Just check out their store. Also worth mentioning is that the comic was recognized by mainstream media such as The Guardian or the NYT. Not uncommon for xkcd strips to turn into memes which travel around the internetz in various incarnations. One of the most popular web-comics ever. Be part of the group! You know you want to. For further info, check out the website or wiki.

C&H or Cyanide and Happiness is a comic. That pretty much sums it up. It has no plot. It has no regular characters. It has stick figures. And it's pure awesome. 70% humor, 30% irony, an extra 50% of randomness and on top of that, they have Doctor Baby. If you read 5 strips without laughing, congratulations - you're dead inside.

Penny Arcade. You should know this. The web-comic has been running for 11,5 years at least. Has become a pop culture icon of its own. Need i say m0ar? Be warned - comic for computer game & fantasy geeks.

There is a saying around teh internetz. Teh internetz is f0ar pr0n. That is also true for web-comics. Relax, i won't post actual pr0n, however here is a humorous comic with a pg-16 rating that seems to be growing in popularity quite rapidly. Presenting - Menage a 3 Maybe it's the nudity? If you liked this, check out it's counterpart - Eerie Cuties. A slightly more parent friendly comic.

A comic for cat lovers - Two Lumps. A must for cat owners or animal lovers (don't take it the wrong way)

I have saved the best for last. DUN DUN! The Phoenix Requiem (awesome name) by award winning web-comic superstar Sarah Ellerton is another story all together. It is one of those shining examples among web-comics that has earned the right to be called a graphic novel. And ultimately that's what it feels like. The story is very slow to unfold. It takes it's time, letting you know the characters & the world they live in first. And that is it's biggest drawback. Most people when looking for web-comics don't want a serious read, so it isn't that big on popularity. But what it lacks in views, it makes up for in critical acclaim. One of it's highpoints is the art design. FANTASTIC. Some strips actually made me stop reading and admire the scenery or wardrobe or whatever happened to be on screen at the time. Definitely not for everybody, but those who will appreciate it will be in for quite a ride. P.S another web-comic illustrated by Sarah Ellerton - Dreamless. Also amazing.

-Postall out

EDIT: Forgot to mention one other web-comic. The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom). In a sentance, it's a comic about worshippers getting eaten buy interdimensional gods with a sense of humor. Has some mathematics and physics hum0r too. A must for H.P. Lovecraft fanatics.