Ok, 'bout time we started cleaning up this little bungalow of ours. The furniture is starting to collect dust. Thank
CaptainEE for the wake up call & wish him luck in foreign lands. Meanwhile I have control all to my self. Excellent...
First of all, this is a bump post. A bump of what, you axe? Why a bump of randomness of course! With justice, too. Everything goes great with justice. Today I am going to share with you, the people, some of the places that we here at the bungalow have come to know and love and go to for our regular randomness fix. So let's begin our quasi-regular-nonspecific-update-bump.
Those of you who have been naughty, and by that I mean following us regularly, should be familiar with the word m0
ar. For clarification check Santa's list at
ar is a website that we have referred to countless times for when life reaches it's limit of ordinariness. And countless time it has saved us from the dreaded daily routine of things. So I would like to share some of the magic of m0
☺ http://www.m0ar.org/3033
☻ http://www.m0ar.org/4707
♥ http://www.m0ar.org/2025 ♦ http://www.m0ar.org/4578
♣ http://www.m0ar.org/270 ♠ http://www.m0ar.org/1589
• http://www.m0ar.org/4236
◘ http://www.m0ar.org/2283
○ http://www.m0ar.org/3033

The information section of the site says that "
www.m0ar.org is a flash site, with funny and random content. You may get crazy when you visit this site for a long time." At first I thought they were exaggerating, however having spent god knows how many minutes sifting though this garbage dump of flash
executables in search of entertainment I realized that they were right. M0
ar melts your brain and is to be taken in moderation.
When you have reached the point of crazy you can always try the progenitor of m0
ar http://z0r.de/. It should have been obvious all along that only the demented Germans could come up with this idea.
♂ http://z0r.de/1314
♀ http://z0r.de/452
♪ http://z0r.de/1118
Just in case you were wondering the symbols are the first ones in ASCII.
I invite you to try some random jumping to these flash sites. I guarantee you that in the end you will have
loled at least once. And
remember. You laugh, you loose the game.
P.S. If you go to m0
ar, check out the first flash that was posted. That should give you an idea of who keeps these sites alive. Pic related.

NSFW! Encyclopedia
Dramatica has an article on the origin of the word
Postall out